Typically, more than half of CLIP students are working adults, and more than two thirds are women. Over the years, CLIP has enrolled thousands of students at its nine (9) college locations and served as a bridge for hundreds of English language learners entry to CUNY (see CLIP Enrollment and Postsecondary Data Trends).

Courses meet five hours a day, five days a week, in day or evening sessions, and are offered in-person, online, or hybrid (hybrid is a combination of in-person and online). Students learn English through studying topics they will study in courses for their General Education Requirements, including American history, sociology, literature, and science (see sample course descriptions).ĬLIP is offered at nine (9) different CUNY colleges. Students may need to purchase books for their CLIP courses, but the costs are typically low. Students do not use financial aid while in CLIP and instead, save financial aid for subsequent college coursework. CLIP students pause (or defer) their CUNY acceptance or matriculation and can spend up to one year in the program before enrolling in college courses.ĬLIP is a low-cost program where students pay a small fee to enroll in a 14 to 16-week course (see CLIP enrollment information, calendar and fees for the upcoming session).

The IELP at Cleveland State University meets the professional standards in the field of ESL, and holds institutional memberships in the American Association of Intensive English Programs (AAIEP) and the Association of International Educators (NAFSA). Students who apply to study at the Intensive English Language Program must be 18 years of age by the first day of classes. You can explore US culture and customs by visiting the many museums and cultural events in Cleveland and the state of Ohio. Cleveland is a welcoming, multicultural city in the mid-western United States with four distinct seasons. We encourage you to meet with our faculty advisors, explore our programs, and immerse yourselves in the study of a foreign language. By living "in the language," you will learn English more efficiently. The Intensive English Language Program (IELP) at Cleveland State University can help you improve your English skills whether your goals are for educational, business or personal reasons.